Eastwood Pentecostal Church

Preschool & Creative Learning Center

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

The mission of Eastwood Preschool & Creative Learning Center is to cultivate an environment where children feel safe to grow and adapt through curiosity and exploration. We foster a community that promotes safe connections through monitored socialization, and we create a culture that endorses cooperation, self-regulation, perseverance, and concentration so children can follow their natural desire to excel. Our mission is to help children prepare for a lifelong love of learning by providing each child a quality early care and educational experience. 

Our Vision

Get to know more about what makes us different.

At Eastwood Preschool & Creative Learning Center, we believe we must nurture the whole child: spiritually, emotionally, physically, socially, and academically. We provide quality learning 
experiences that foster the natural learning abilities of young children. We believe it is our responsibility to support the family in their roles as the primary educators of their children. 

Educational Programs

Zebras (age 2)

Our Zebra class  is our discovery group. The toddler stage is an exciting period of growth and development for children. During a toddler's stage of development, learning occurs by their exploration of what they control and what limits they must adhere to. 

Giraffes (age 3)

Our Giraffe class is our reading readiness group. Children learn through the process of play and socially interactive behavior, as well as through the intake of phonics and mathematics. 

Lions (age 4)

Our Lion class engages students in learning through the play process as they interact with other children and develop social skills and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Skills (STEM). Children will also engage in Phonics in an exciting learning environment. 

Tuition and Fees

Registration Fee - $100

a non-refundable one time registration fee is due upon registration.

Abeka Fee - $100

Includes math, reading, phonics, and art.

Nap Kit Fee - $25

Cot, Sheet, and Bag (non-refundable)

Weekly Tuition - $145

5 full days
Sibling Discount
A 10% discount is given to the second child when two siblings from the same household are attending Eastwood's Preschool and Creative Learning Center.
EPC Active Member Discount
Active Church Members can receive a 10% discount upon approval from church administration.
Staff Discount
Children of staff receive 50% discount

Eastwood Preschool & Creative Learning Center is now accepting applications for teacher and substitute teacher positions.
Please apply in the Eastwood office.

Contact Us